About Us
The Castle Tactical Story
Castle Tactical is located in the Albuquerque metro area, New Mexico, USA.
Scott Coons, the designer of the Knight Sentry Concealment Headboard, was concerned about his young daughters’ safety with firearms in the house. So he set about engineering a solution. A gun safe would work, but it created what he called “the gun owner’s paradox” – the condition that makes defensive gun ownership pointless by locking them up in a big metal box and making them inaccessible.
So the goal was to make your guns secure AND have them easily accessible. There probably isn’t a gun owner out there who hasn’t contemplated this quandary at some point.
Enter the Knight Sentry. First, guns had to be secure. Easy – metal box with a lock. Second, you had to be able to get to it fast. Not as easy… After a lot of thought and running through scenarios, situational awareness was taken into consideration. When do you have the least situational awareness during the day? When you’re snoring like a chainsaw, that’s when. Your situational awareness is at ZERO when you’re asleep. It’s also when you’re most vulnerable to a home invader.
So... where is this Knight Sentry?
Well, we took the Knight Sentry Concealment Headboard to the NRA Meeting and Show in Indianapolis hoping to sell a bunch and get production going. However, the gun-owning public spoke, and it turns out that we have different perceptions about what it is.
We believe is a high-security gun cabinet disguised as a headboard. The people with the disposable income see it more as a headboard disguised as a gun box. That makes for a significant difference in price. So, the Knight Sentry is undergoing redesign to bring it in line with public expectations. It will be out in the near future, and it will still be a great product.

Castle Tactical
New Mexico, USA